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The Complete Series

Alex Paknadel (Writer), John Lê (Artist, Cover Artist), Rosh (Colorist), Aditya Bidikar (Letterer)

A Giant Mech Murder Mystery.

Ever since their world-shattering war ended, the slumbering mecha called 'Giga' have been both gods and habitats for the surviving humans. Then disgraced engineer Evan Calhoun discovers a murdered Giga, and the very fabric of society stars unraveling around him.

A giant robot murder mystery.

Nobody knows why the skyscraper-sized mechs known as Giga fought their bitter, centuries’ long war. All they know is that when the fighting finally stopped, the dormant Giga became humanity’s new habitat and new gods in one. When disgraced engineer Evan Calhoun finds an apparently murdered Giga, his society and the fascistic tech-centered religious order that controls it are rapidly thrown into chaos.

From writer Alex Paknadel (Friendo, Turncoat, Incursion) and rising star John Le comes another Vault & White Noise partnership about what happens after the mechs stop fighting.

Collects the complete five-issue series.

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